Gamecube controller for wii u
Gamecube controller for wii u

gamecube controller for wii u

If you upgraded to a Wii U, you either had to keep your old Wii around to play games that used these, or you had to toss them. So if you’re like me and had peripherals that used GameCube plugs, anything from Dance Dance Revolution dance pads to Active Life Outdoor Challenge, Explorer, Carnival, or Extreme action pads, to the Cyberbike bike controller, suddenly you were all out of luck. In later versions of the Wii, they quietly took away these sockets, and of course they weren’t in the Wii U when it was released. Gamecube controllers have plugs that look like this, that used to plug into one of four GameCube sockets on the top of the original Wii. A company called Mayflash has released a converter that lets you use Gamecube Controllers on the Wii called the Mayflash Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii/Wii U.

gamecube controller for wii u

Here is news I’ve been waiting for for a long time.

Gamecube controller for wii u